Welcome to the Van Raamsdonk lab website

We are interested in the biology of aging, biological resilience and the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disease. Using a Geroscience approach, we study the biology and genetics of aging and resilience and apply that knowledge to develop novel treatments for neurodegenerative disease. Our work primarily uses the worm C. elegans as a model organism and we are very interested in the mitochondria.

We are part of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at McGill as well as the Medical Disorders and Complications (MeDiC) program and Brain Repair and Integrative Neuroscience (BRaIN) program at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC).

Latest Lab News

  • September 2024: Our undergraduate summer intern Ekin was awarded the prize for the best junior scientist talk at the Canadian Translational Geroscience Network meeting.
  • September 2024: Our paper entitled “Synchronization by bleaching does not affect longevity” was accepted at Micropublication Biology. Congratulations to Aura, Abdel and Suleima!
  • July 2024: Jeremy was awarded a new CIHR project grant on pathways of cellular resilience.
  • July 2024: Jeremy was award a Mid-Career Researcher award from the CIHR Institute of Aging.
  • July 2024: Aura was award a Ph.D. studentship award from HBHL. Congratulations to Aura!                                                                                                                                                    See more lab news here

Contact Us


McGill University Health Centre (MUHC)
1001 Decarie Boulevard,
Montreal, Qc, H4A 3J1


+1 (514) 934 1934 ext. 76157
